The Executive Board (EB) served as the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium and ensured the alignment of the project with the Life Science RI Strategy Board (the collaborative group of Life Science RI directors or coordinators). Therefore, the EB comprised the Representing Parties, i.e. the Parties identified by each of the respective ESFRI Life Science Research Infrastructures. This Party was normally the Hub of the implemented Research Infrastructures or the coordinator of the Preparatory ESFRI Life Science Research Infrastructure. The Board represented the LS RIs in the context of the EOSC-Life project.
The EB was chaired by the Coordinator. The EB provided operational supervision for the project, monitored the progress of project deliverables with WP leaders and risks, and initiated actions as appropriate to ensure successful delivery. The EB was also responsible for making decisions on overall financial management and resourcing, changes to the project structure, and the approval of additional partners. Throughout the project, the EB met quarterly, as well as additionally upon the request of any member of the EB. Insofar as was practical, the EB used web conferencing facilities to reduce the travel and carbon footprint. These facilities proved particularly useful during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• ELIXIR: Niklas Blomberg (Project Coordinator)
• BBMRI: Jens Habermann
• EATRIS: Antonio L. Andreu
• ECRIN: Jacques Demotes
• EMBRC: Nicolas Pade
• EMPHASIS: Roland Pieruschka
• ERINHA: Hervé Raoul
• EU-OPENSCREEN: Wolfgang Fecke
• EURO-BIOIMAGING: Jan Ellenberg
• INFRAFRONTIER: Michael Raess
• INSTRUCT: Susan Daenke
• ISBE: Gennaro Piccialli
• MIRRI: Rosa Aznar
This group oversaw the technical progress of the project and ensured the interoperability and alignment of co-dependent tasks across work packages. It comprised Work Package Leaders plus staff members from their organisations who supported the technical coordination and implementation of the project by invitation wherever necessary and appropriate.
The SEAB includes experts in the biological and biomedical life science area whose backgrounds cover science, IT, ethical and legal issues, and industry. During the course of EOSC-Life, it met annually at the AGM and provided direct feedback to the Executive Board, Strategy Board, and the Project. External ethics, data protection, and governance experts were co-opted onto the Board to deal with particular issues when this was necessary.
A dedicated EOSC Stakeholder Interaction Group (ESIG), chaired by WP8, discussed EOSC Governance-related topics with representatives from all Life Science Research Infrastructures who participated in EOSC-Life.