Get in touch with EOSC-Life

    A consortium of 13 distributed research infrastructures and a total of 50 partners that connects a broad base of disciplines and links national research facilities and expert centres

    EOSC-Life brings together the 13 BMS RIs (biomedical science research infrastructures) on the ESFRI Roadmap. The project consortium comprises all the legal entities of the established BMS RIs, including a set of national centres that provide access to leading international scientific service platforms. It also includes the coordinating centres and key institutes of the preparatory phase infrastructures – a total of 69 partners and linked third parties in 14 countries. The EOSC-Life consortium represents a truly continent-scale effort. Collectively the BMS RIs have national nodes in 23 European countries, and EOSC-Life continues to benefit from the established outreach and technical coordination functions among them.

    Learn more about European research infrastructures here.

    The following is a list of partners – click expand to learn about what they do and their roles in EOSC-Life!

    13 Research Infrastructures (RIs)

    39 Other Partners