The EOSC-Life work plan was initially designed around 12 work packages. WP1-3 formed the scientifically outward-facing part of the project, driving the publication of data resources, tools, and applied user projects in the EOSC. These were supported by the definition of policies, specifications, and tools for data management (WP4), user management and access services (WP5), FAIRification and provenance services (WP6), and cloud deployment services (WP7). WP8 measured the international impact, innovation, and sustainability of EOSC-Life achievements, while WP9 provided diverse trainings for the EOSC-Life community. WP1-9 were supported by dissemination and outreach efforts (WP10), as well as project management (WP11). One aspect of particular interest to the consortium was the identification of ethics requirements (e.g. related to sensitive data), addressed in WP12. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, two additional work packages were added by an amendment process to provide deep data support and integration services to extend the COVID-19 Data Portal (WP13) and to design a repository for data relevant to COVID-19 trials (WP14).
WP1: Publishing FAIR RI data resources in the EOSC will drive the development of BMS RIs’ data handling and integration capabilities and ensure that data from RI nodes and facilities is integrated in cloud compatible, FAIRcompliant data resources. This is underpinned by cloud accessible tools needed to deliver the curated clean data needed to support data analyses
WP 1 Co-leads: Helen Parkinson (ELIXIR – EMBL-EBI) and Phil Gribbon (EU-OPENSCREEN – Fraunhofer IME)
WP2: Tools Collaboratory will drive the development of an environment enabling the cloud deployment of workflows for the analysis and integration of life science data. The project covers the full software stack required to implement workflows, from operating system to containerization and web front-ends, by addressing three major points: software and tools packaging, workflow composition and execution, and registries.
WP 2 Co-leads: Antonio Rosato (Instruct-ERIC – CIRMMP) and Jean-Karim Heriche (Euro-BioImaging – EMBL-HD)
WP3: Demonstrators and Open Calls for User Projects will drive the life science RIs’ connection to EOSC through our users’ science. User projects will be selected (by peer-review) to guide and structure the work in order to allow implementation of data, tools, policies and support with concrete exemplary projects at hand. We will connect these projects with experts across EOSC-Life, as clear user needs identified via these projects will shape sustainable actions.
WP 3 Co-leads: Natalie Haley, Pauline Audergon (Instruct-ERIC), Arina Rybina (Euro-BioImaging – EMBL-HD) and José María Carazo (Instruct-ERIC – CSIC)
WP4: Policies, specifications and tools for secure management of sensitive data for research purposes will address policies and guidelines for sensitive data storage, processing, sharing and reuse for research purposes.
WP 4 Co-leads: Michaela Mayrhofer (BBMRI-ERIC) and Jacques Demotes (ECRIN)
WP5: User management and access services will develop our shared authentication and authorisation infrastructure (AAI) and user access management (ARIA). Service operations with e-Infrastructure providers will make the whole access and user management system fully interoperable with the EOSC.
WP5 Co-leads: Marcus Povey (Instruct-ERIC) and Ludek Matyska (ELIXIR – MU)
WP6: FAIRification and provenance services will deliver the common services and standards needed to capture provenance and to make data FAIR and ensure that these are consistently applied across infrastructures. This includes FAIRmetrics and a FAIRassist service to support the long-tail of life-science research in data FAIRification.
WP6 Co-leads: Petr Holub (BBMRI-ERIC) and Isabelle Perseil (ERINHA – INSERM)
WP7: Cloud Deployment will provide a set of integrated cloud resources to support the cloud-based FAIR RI data resources (WP1), workflows (WP2) and science demonstrators (WP3) that are being supported within the project. Integration of further national life science clouds aims to eventually establish a sustainable “ResOps” expert community for cloud-enabled workflows.
WP7 Co-leads: Steven Newhouse (ELIXIR – EMBL-EBI) and Harald Wagener (Charité)
WP8: International Impact, Innovation and Sustainability will integrate EOSC-Life with the developing EOSC governance and coordination structures, with the other EOSC cluster projects and link with relevant global initiatives to develop open science data clouds. WP8 will also extend and align the BMS RIs’ joint quality management framework to the service management framework to be adopted by EOSC.
WP8 Co-leads: Michael Raess (INFRAFRONTIER) and Anton Ussi (EATRIS)
WP9: Training of the EOSC Life community will train RI operators and users in the skills needed to enable effective data access and preservation for immediate and future sharing and re-use of data in the Biological and Medical Sciences. WP9 will provide hands-on training in using EOSC-Life tools, data resources and other services developed in the project, effective re-use of publicly available data, and best practices that users should adopt in managing their own data (WP6, FAIRassist).
WP9 Co-leads: Rebecca Ludwig (EATRIS) and Kim Gurwitz (EMBL-EBI)
WP10: Outreach provides the market research, web, social media and other outreach activities needed for dissemination and stakeholder engagement.
WP10 Co-leads: Sara Crockett (BBMRI-ERIC) and Jacques Demotes (ECRIN)
WP11: Project Management will establish and implement the project administration and management functions including risk management, periodic reporting and coordination of project governance groups (AGM, Executive Board, Work Package leaders group, SEAB)
WP11 Co-leads: Niklas Blomberg (ELIXIR – EMBL-ELIXIR) and Friederike Schmidt-Tremmel (ELIXIR – EMBL-ELIXIR)
WP13: Extension of COVID-19 Data Portal will carry out the core portal development and operationalisation of the extended portal through deep support and integration services.
WP 13 Co-lead: Guy Cochrane (ELIXIR – EMBL-EBI)
WP14: COVID-19 Data Trials will carry out the design, development, implementation and use of a repository for individual participant data from COVID-19 trials.
WP14 Co-lead: Jacques Demotes (ECRIN)