Our partner ELIXIR recently released a helpful review that describes how they create value by sharing their expertise, knowledge and provide mentoring diverse formal and informal networks, supporting advances in the life sciences.
This article covers how the ELIXIR network has expanded over time; how the Galaxy open workflow, integration, and analysis platform serves as the core of the ELIXIR community; how knowledge exchange works via these knowledge exchange pathways; and the impacts of provided training and knowledge sharing.
EOSC-Life consortium members have clearly registered the impact of ELIXIR Galaxy training and Galaxy mentoring networks: ELIXIR Germany has been mentoring Norwegian software engineers who have created a new climate science Galaxy community…leading to a collaboration between EOSC-Life and EOSC-Nordic!
Specifically, ELIXIR highlights the two-year Galaxy project as an example of their funded projects (i.e. commissioned services). The image shown above illustrates the hundreds of links that these projects create between ELIXIR Nodes, representing projects initiated in 2022.
The Food & Nutrition: Microbiome – Diet – Health project may be of particular interest to our EOSC-Life consortium members and followers, as it emphasizes the interplay between the human microbiome, diet, and overall health to create a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) dataset for the currently fragmented and dispersed study datasets in this field.