Romain David at the EOSC-Life partner research infrastructure ERINHA and colleagues from La Rochelle Université (LIENSs), Universidad de Sevilla, Des Requins et Des Hommes (DRDH), and STARESO have just released the preprint of a paper that describes why it is so important to study and measure biodiversity in seaports around the world.
This critical review highlights gaps and strengths in biodiversity knowledge and research in the seaport ecosystem.
These review outcomes provide clear guidance for port authorities and management, but also can help regional conservation managers and researchers plan effective research and management actions.
The authors also note that a shift in port environmental awareness of biodiversity is needed to increase the resilience of the whole social-ecological system. Such a shift will encourage researchers to collect more baseline data and to create thorough inventories that can then be used to assess how anthropic activities are impacting biodiversity and changing ecosystem properties and functions.
The actions recommended based on this review can support the implementation of relevant measures for seaport environmental sustainability.
This work was carried out with support from EOSC-Life and INEE-CNRS.
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