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    Image courtesy of EOSCsecretariat
    News 2020-03-16

    EOSC-Life Featured in Article on COVID-19 and the EOSC

    The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will accelerate research to address future global challenges such as COVID-19.

    EOSC-Life and its coordinator Niklas Blomberg (Director of ELIXIR) were featured in an article highlighting the need for the EOSC to address global health crises such as Coronavirus.

    As we collaborate to build the EOSC, a few use cases are already showing the potential benefit of the EOSC to global health.

    Blomberg argues that open science allows faster, more efficient research, which he has experienced first-hand while collaborating with ELIXIR-Belgium and de.NBI/ELIXIR-Germany on an initiative addressing COVID-19.

    “Open data and open reproducible workflow also allow European scientists to collaborate globally,” says Blomberg. “Our recent collaboration on COVID-19 genomes is a great example: four teams – two European, one in Australia, one in US work together to make reproducible workflows openly available to scientists globally.”

    “This is the core of EOSC – fast, open access to as wide a pool of data and tools as possible for scientific collaborations.”

    EOSC-Life is one of the EOSC projects accelerating open science through open data, open reproducible tools and workflows in the life sciences field.

    Read the full article here.

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