Get in touch with EOSC-Life

    Event 07.07.22 - 08.07.22 | The Hague (the Netherlands)

    Training course on facilitation and moderation skills

    You are organising a meeting with a specific goal and you ask yourself: What will the agenda be? How to steer the meeting to ensure it is successful? What are the attendees expectations? In summary, how to moderate and facilitate the meeting? Join us on 7-8 July 2022, The Hague (the Netherlands)


    This training is mainly aimed at Research Infrastructures (RI) staff, event facilitators, EOSC ambassadors and translators, as well as other RI staff who organise meetings, training events or run sessions with diverse participants in terms of levels of expertise and domains of interest.  Applications from other type of institutions are also welcome if their motivation fits with the learning aims of the course.

    • Learning Aim 1: Leading a group towards achieving the objective of the event. After our course, participants will be able to:
      • Employ strategies to facilitate and prepare their sessions
      • Use their facilitation skills with confidence
      • Identify when and how to intervene
      • Create a positive environment
    • Learning Aim 2: Designing sessions to meet the objective. After our course, participants will be able to:
      • Define the audience and optimise the format and agenda
      • Ensure inclusivity by design and appropriate facilitation techniques
      • Achieve real engagement

    The course is jointly organised by EOSC-Life and EOSC Future.


    • Sandra Barth (Trainer)
    • Daniel Thomas López (Facilitator, course convener)
    • Rebecca Ludwig (Facilitator, course organiser)
    • Louise Bezuidenhout (Facilitator, course organiser)
    • Shanmugasundaram Venkataraman (Course organiser)
    • Vera Matser (Course organiser)



    The course will start at 12:00 CEST on the 7th of July and will finish by 18:00 CEST on the 8th of July. An outline of the training, subject to modifications, can be found below.

    • Thursday 7 July 2022: 
      • Registration and welcome lunch (12:00 – 13:00 CEST, optional) 
      • Expectations and training needs of the participants
      • How to lead your group towards achieving the objective of an event
    • Friday 8 July 2022:
      • How to design your sessions to meet the objective
      • Deciding on the length and format of your event
      • Being inclusive by design
      • Ensuring equal opportunities for participants to contribute
      • Putting the learning into action from an EOSC perspective
      • Final remarks and feedback


    The training will take place face-to-face and will have capacity for maximum 15 participants. Applicants will be selected on a first-come first-served basis, taking into account a balanced participation of members from different RI and EOSC projects. 

    We will review applications on a rolling basis to select suitable candidates until the 15 places available are filled. A waiting list will be established if needed. The deadline for application is the 31st of May.

    Registration is free. The course includes lunch and coffee breaks on the 7th and 8th of July. Travel and accommodation are not included. More information on suitable accommodation will be shared with the selected participants.


    EU Logo

    EOSC-Life has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement number 824087.
    The EOSC Future project is co-funded by the European Union Horizon Programme call INFRAEOSC-03-2020 – Grant Agreement Number 101017536. Copyright 2021 – 2024 – EOSC Future

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