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    News 2022-02-23

    EOSC-Life funds 3 internal projects

    Two projects with academia-industry collaborations and one project on sensitive data received funding from EOSC-Life.

    The second Digital Life Science Call for academia-industry collaborations was aimed at existing EOSC-Life partners who wanted to implement a collaborative project together with SME or industry partners. From 10 submitted proposals that passed an initial eligibility screening, we selected 2 projects  that aim to demonstrate how companies can leverage cloud-based bioinformatics pipelines for sustainability and how further development of analysis software by commercial companies can add value to open research data bases. 

    All submitted applications were first reviewed by the technical experts within the EOSC-Life consortium with regards to their technical impact, feasibility and project maturity, before continuing to scientific evaluation. A selection panel of both internal and external experts chose the winning projects from a shortlist of 8 proposals based on transparent selection criteria.

    View our funded projects for Academia-Industry collaboration here.

    The second Digital Life Science Call for sensitive data targeted existing partners with project proposals offering solutions  for the management of sensitive data and/or sharing workflows and tools specifically designed to deal with sensitive data. Sensitivity of the data may arise from its personal nature (personal data in the sense of the GDPR, e.g. health data, biological samples and associated personal data, genetic data, individual research data, etc.), but can also be caused by biohazard concerns (e.g. Dual Use Research of Concern) or application of the Nagoya protocol. Out of nine proposals in the sensitive open call track, 1 has been selected for implementation.

    EOSC-Life Technical experts firstly reviewed  all the proposals with regards to their technical impact, feasibility and project maturity; the proposal then underwent scientific assessment. As final step, a selection panel of both internal and external experts chose the winning projects from a shortlist of 8 proposals based on transparent selection criteria. 

    View our funded project for Sensitive Data here.

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