After a year where most events, including the training events of the EOSC-Life and Research Infrastructures, were rapidly adapted and organised virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that in the future we will see a transition to hybrid events. We consider hybrid events as those where attendees and speakers may attend in-person or online and both attendance formats translate in a productive experience.
In order to build capacity within the consortium, on 2nd of July EOSC-Life held an exchange-of-experience workshop about organising hybrid events. The one-day programme included flash talks, plenary discussions and two breakout interactive activities. The first breakout hands-on session focused on how to turn specific types of sessions (e.g. poster session, plenary presentations, brainstorming session…) into hybrid, while the afternoon session focused on the global aspects of organising hybrid events (engagement and networking, technical aspects, event management).
Nearly 70 participants attended the workshop. They came mostly from European countries, but also from others such as Australia and Argentina. Above 80% of them rated the workshop as “very good” or “excellent” and would recommend the activity to those interested in organising a hybrid event. The feedback of the workshop also highlighted the interest in future activities regarding the topic of hybrid events, such as a follow up event in the future where participants can share their experience organising their first hybrid events, and the need for a community of practice. EOSC-Life plans to continue building this network through its Remote training series.