One of the goals of EOSC-Life is to create a catalogue of services provided by participating RIs for the management, storage, and reuse of data in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Imaging scientists around the world are producing datasets that are becoming increasingly large, complicated, and packed full of information. Faced with this flood of (increasingly complex) data, how can researchers interpret these imaging data effectively?
The Euro-BioImaging team recently launched their Image Data Analysis services provided by their different Nodes. One such facility is the Image Analysis Hub (IAH) at Institut Pasteur, which is part of the France BioImaging Node. In an interview with Jean-Yves Tinevez (Head of the IAH Facility), you will find some great pointers on how the image data services his team offers can help biologists get the most out of their data!
Euro-BioImaging Nodes offer a broad range of Image Data Services that researchers can use to help them handle data, develop bespoke image analysis workflows, perform quantitative analysis, or get access to analysis software.