Joint European Life Sciences & Health research infrastructures such as EATRIS, BBMRI, and ELIXIR develop and provide services for specific research communities in order to help researchers navigate bottlenecks and extend the frontiers of scientific disciplines.
In practice, however, the user community is often not entirely aware of the available services. At the same time, RIs are developing tools and resources to stay in touch with a broad range of potential users and clarify their needs.
You are invited to join this hybrid workshop showcasing resources developed in European RIs, get feedback on these resources from anticipated users, and bridge the (perceived) gap between RIs and the broader user community!
When: 13-14 June 2023, lunch to lunch
Where: Utrecht, The Netherlands & online
Showcased resources include the Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW), RDMkit, FAIR Cookbook, FAIRsharing, Data stewardship community and training resources, the BBMRI/ERIC Directory, and the EOSC-Life Sensitive Data Toolbox.
The workshop is targeted at data support managers and professionals who want to get acquainted with tools and resources of the Life Science & Health research infrastructures that are available for them and the researchers they support. In addition, they will have the opportunity to provide feedback about the usability of these tools and resources.