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    Event 02.04.20 - 03.04.20 | Webinar

    ONLINE Workshop: Introduction to Workflows and Workflow Management Systems

    **Note: this workshop has been postponed and will be held exclusively online!

    Register now for the first workshop organised by EOSC-Life WP2: Introduction to workflows and workflow management systems. Due to the current situation this workshop will be held exclusively online from 2-3 April 2020.

    As this is the first of a series of incremental training, the content is introductory, and no previous knowledge is required. The workshop will be focused on building capacity within the Research Infrastructures. Therefore, we encourage the participation of representatives of the 13 RIs that could later bring the knowledge to their respective institutions – but all interested parties are welcome to register.

    This first workshop will be introductory, and no previous technical knowledge is required. During the first day, different Research Infrastructures will present their typical use cases. The second day will start with an introduction to three different WMS, followed by different breakout sessions addressing particular needs/issues.

    Register here by 20 March 2020.

    View the agenda here.

    Questions? Email

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