The LifeMonitor service, developed in EOSC-Life WP2 to facilitate maintenance activities on computational workflows with a focus on sustainability and reusability is now fully operational. Since the first public release in May 2021, the service has continuously progressed in functionality and has been adopted to monitor the workflows of the Galaxy IWC collection. LifeMonitor now offers a web application that allows users to easily register workflows from WorkflowHub and other sources, and to keep track of the test status of multiple workflows at a glance.
Test results from GitHub Actions, Jenkins and Travis CI are made accessible under a common interface to clients authenticated with WorkflowHub or GitHub (and soon with LS Login). Interoperability with WorkflowHub is ensured by the adoption of Workflow Testing RO-Crate as a data exchange format. Work is ongoing to complement the core service with a GitHub app for the semi-automated setup of best-practice workflow repositories and their packaging as Workflow Testing RO-Crates for integration with WorkflowHub and LifeMonitor itself.