Event23.08.23 - 24.08.23 | Maastricht, The Netherlands
VHP4Safety/EOSC Kubernetes Workshop
Setting up a Kubernetes-like cluster platform in a toxicology project? Join this workshop to network & find new collaborations!
Join this hybrid event organised by VHP4Safety with funding from EOSC-Life:
When: 23-24 August 2023
Where: Maastricht, The Netherlands
This meeting has been organised to provide support for current toxicology projects that have set the goal to create Kubernetes-like cluster platforms.
If you are working with Kubernetes in the field of toxicology, join this event to benefit from the opportunity to strengthen your networks and collaborations. You can share your experiences and evaluate different approaches that are being employed in different projects to create the platforms. We will also discuss how support groups like SURF (NL), EOSC, and the ELIXIR computer platform can support such developments and ideally develop plans for helping each other.