This position statement highlights expectations of the clusters and the concerned research communities, pointing out a common structured vision and a series of suggestions for the future. Then it contains a more detailed analysis from each cluster.
At EOSC-Life, our goal is to enable researchers to pool research data on the cloud in order to collaborate across disciplines and generate new findings in life sciences. View publications featuring research output shared through EOSC-Life here.
The following scientific publications are at least partially funded via EOSC-Life, Grant Agreement No. 824087:
The following non-peer-reviewed publications are at least partially funded via EOSC-Life, Grant Agreement No. 824087:
EOSC-Life encompasses 34 deliverables, all but 1 of which are public. Deliverables will be uploaded here as soon as published:
Newsletter 3 . AGM – 27 Feb 2020
Newsflash – 2nd Training Open Call – 10 Sept 2020
Newsflash – Digital Life Sciences Open Call – 15 Sept 2020
Newsletter 11 – 21 October 2021
Newsletter 12 – 16 December 2021
Newsletter 16 – 22 September 2022
Newsletter 17 – 17 November 2022
Newsletter 18 – 26 January 2023
Subscribe to our newsletterIn December 2021, EOSC-Life was asked to submit a project brief to the European Commission highlighting milestones toward integration with the European Open Science Cloud and including recommendations for future priorities within the EOSC.
Read the project briefThe EOSC Science Cluster projects sent a joint letter to the EOSC Association and the European Commission in September 2021 arguing for the continuation of the Science Cluster activities in the HEU Work Programme for Research Infrastructures 2023-2024.
View hereThis position statement highlights expectations of the clusters and the concerned research communities, pointing out a common structured vision and a series of suggestions for the future. Then it contains a more detailed analysis from each cluster.
Through its cluster projects, ESCAPE, ENVRI-FAIR, SSHOC, PaNOSC and EOSC-Life, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) steers the integration and consolidation of thematic e-infrastructure platforms in preparation for connecting them to EOSC. The need to leverage domain expertise and better drive the innovation which research communities require can be found in these position papers reflecting current views and expectations about EOSC and the contributions of ESFRI to the European data infrastructure. An executive summary and overview table provide insights into the views of some of the most important research infrastructures in Europe on the future EOSC.
You can read the collection of the five position papers on Zenodo at this link:
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will “enable a trusted, virtual, federated environment in Europe to store, share and reuse digital outputs from research (including publications, data, metadata and software) across borders and scientific disciplines”1. Today, at the end of 2020, many building blocks are in place and on-going EOSC projects endeavour to enrich the EOSC ecosystem. To ensure strong engagement by research communities, we believe that this is the time to re-orient the EOSC activities towards higher relevance for these communities.
The Science Clusters ENVRI-FAIR , EOSC-LIFE , ESCAPE , PaNOSC , SSHOC bring together 72 world-class research infrastructures from the ESFRI roadmap and beyond to work on FAIR data management and connecting their user communities to the EOSC. The European e-infrastructures EGI , EUDAT , GÉANT , and OpenAIRE provide inclusive services across Europe and beyond to the benefit of science.
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